Doing Business with a Servant's Heart

Be In Charge - if you don’t make decisions for yourself you end up living by default. Erin Marcus

Steve Ramona Season 9 Episode 15

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Erin Marcus is a seasoned business and marketing professional with a diverse background in business development and a passion for tailoring marketing strategies to fuel business growth and success. Erin's unique insights on this topic stem from her extensive experience and her MBA in marketing and executive leadership. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the specific needs and goals of each business to determine the most effective marketing approach, asserting that the type and size of the business will dictate the type, size, and volume of marketing required. Erin also underscores the need to identify and address any points of friction within a business, as these can impede growth and success. Her approach is centered on infusing business strategy into the entrepreneurial mindset and aiding entrepreneurs in their transition into successful business owners. Join Steve Ramona and Erin Marcus on this episode of the Doing Business with a Servant's Heart podcast to learn more.
Customizing Marketing Strategies for Business Growth and Success

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