Doing Business with a Servant's Heart

"Master the Message with Passion & Purpose."

Steve Ramona Season 9 Episode 5

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When I walked out on the TEDx stage with over 500 people  in the audience 
 my one hope was IF I influenced one person in the audience to be a changemaker.  To move  their passion from environmental to scientific and social welfare.  If  I  could do that, "I believed, "We could change the world ." Please click on the link below and judge for yourself if I achieved my goal. 

Breaking Cultural Barriers
TEDx Walnut

My book, A Message for Tomorrow's Leaders was written during the pandemic as students in record numbers stopped attending school, and worse yet as suicide rates among young people  sky-rocketed to the highest levels in history. This book was written to offer a path through this atmosphere of fear and confusion. This is  a journey through the  insights from 46 interviews with people  from the ages 12 to 88 in blue collar jobs to top level executives. It lays out a road map off strategies to succeed in any career by committing to their education. In a spirit of empathy and responsibility and written in everyday language with easy to follow ideas, this book shows today's youth and adults a way to develop resilience while empowering themselves to fight to be the person they were meant to be..

Rosalyn's newest  book, A Message for Tomorrow's Leaders

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